Coronavirus Response
As we attempt to adjust and respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Palm Beach and Martin Counties’ has made some important decisions regarding programming that we need to share with you.
We are committed to keeping our Bigs, Littles, families, and staff safe and well until this health crisis is over. Our top priority is supporting our families through this difficult time. It has been a life-altering event for us all, but thanks to social distancing and other precautionary measures, we are not aware that any of our Bigs, Littles, or staff have contracted the virus.
With the loosened restrictions on the state’s Stay-At-Home order, we recommend you continue to limit contact with your Big or Little to electronic communication only. We are inspired by the many creative ways our matches have stayed in touch during these trying times. While we recognize some of you are anxious to resume face-to-face time with your Little, be aware that such meetings are currently at your own risk and contrary to our recommendation at this time. While we understand that you miss seeing each other in person, we strongly encourage you to continue taking advantage of available technology: text, phone calls, e-mail, Facetime, Zoom, Skype, and others. Check out our blog post for more ideas and suggestions for staying connected virtually.
We are proud and thankful for everyone who has helped us maintain this important work. For now, be safe. Make good decisions. Reach out if you have questions or concerns. And trust that brighter days are on the way.